Quality Team

The quality, efficiency, and safety team (QUEST) meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues of importance to the department pertaining to value-based care, process improvement, and patient safety.  The team consists of faculty from all areas of the department, and the meetings are open for any other attendees interested in participating in these discussions.  We frequently address issues of current relevance, including medication safety and security, communication between providers and with other services, and coordination of care in both the preoperative and postoperative arenas.  We analyze case data from the multiple quality dashboards and databases that our partner organizations participate in (Vizient, NSQIP, STS, TQIP, etc) to address any opportunities for improvement of practice across the group.  We also look at specific cases to conduct professional peer reviews of individual performance.  Special attention is given to separation of the system-based improvement opportunities from issues of individual provider performance, and both are handled thoroughly and respectfully.  Educational activity from the team consists of a monthly QA conference, establishment of a formal resident education curriculum in QI and patient safety, and encouragement of all members of the department to participate in online education from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Finally, the team works tirelessly to maintain a strong culture of safety within the department and carry that culture through to the patient care environment and all that participate in our team-based patient care activities.


Vision:  To provide the highest value and quality anesthesia care in the region the Department of Anesthesiology.

Mission:  To foster an environment of  practice improvement and inquiry among the members of the department resulting in high quality and efficient patient care.


  • Educate the members of the department in QI and PI issues
  • Establish metrics for the measurement of quality in the department and report those quality metrics internally and externally
  • Provide leadership and mentorship for the conduct of quality and process improvement initiatives/projects within the department
  • Serve as the liaison with partner organizations and departments with regard to issues on quality of care and performance improvement
  • Conduct internal review of departmental quality and process issues and individual provider professional performance
Leadership Team
Dr. Srikanth Sridhar Srikanth Sridhar, MD
Vice Chair, Quality
Carlos Artime, MD Carlos A. Artime, MD
Stephen Larson, DMD Stephen M. Larson, DMD
Davide Cattano, MD, PhD Davide Cattano, MD, PhD, FASA, CMQ
Peter Doyle, MD Peter D. Doyle, MD Travis Markham, MD Travis J. Markham, MD
Dr. Amy Graham-Carlson Amy Graham-Carlson, MD Dr. Sara-Guzman Reyes Sara Guzman-Reyes, MD
Dr. Olga Pawelek Olga Pawelek, MD, FASA Ray Hwong, MD Ray Hwong, MD
Dr. Colleen Rodriguez Colleen Rodriquez, MD PeterKilloran Peter V. Killoran, MD
Nitin Wadhwa, MD Nitin Wadhwa, MD