Education Leadership Team

The Department of Anesthesiology at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth strives to demonstrate excellence through innovative education and dynamic clinical training.  We provide comprehensive, high-caliber instruction in the world’s largest medical center, at some of the nation’s leading institutions.  We instruct a large body of learners, including anesthesiology residents, fellows, medical students, student nurse anesthetists, anesthesiologist assistant students and dental residents.  The goal of the Anesthesiology Education Team is to coordinate education efforts amongst all anesthesia learners and provide support for our educational leaders.

Leadership Team
Dr. Rhashedah Ekeoduru Rhashedah A. Ekeoduru, MD
Chair - Education Leadership Team
Dr. Sara-Guzman Reyes Sara Guzman-Reyes, MD
Brian Haskins Brian Haskins, CAA Jiang Yandong new web Yandong Jiang, MD, PhD
Travis-Markham Travis H. Markham, MD Maya Suresh Maya S. Suresh, MBBS
Naveen Vanga, MD