Emergency Preparedness Team

Our mission is to create and administer methodologies and procedures for the Department of Anesthesiology which will allow for seamless, efficient, and safe anesthesiology care for all patients during emergencies and disastrous events

Our vision is to promote safety and to provide dependable, timely, and high quality anesthesiology care during emergencies and disastrous events.

Leadership Team
Dr. Christopher Stevens Christopher Stephens, MD
Team Leader
Wadhwa Suit Nitin Wadhwa, MD
Team Leader
Dr. Andrew Allison Andrew Allison, MD Carlos-Artime Carlos A. Artime, MD
Goshu Wonedwossen Wonedwossen Goshu, CRNA Dr. Evelyn Griffin Evelyn M. Griffin, MD
BrainHaskins Brian Haskins, AA Mathuria-Emily Emily Mathuria, AA
Munoz Veronica Munoz, CRNA Dr. Olga Pawelek Olga Pawelek, MD
Washington Erikka L. Washington, MD Williford David Williford, CRNA