Finance Team

The mission of the Finance Team is to review departmental finances and make recommendations to the Chair and Executive Committee on issues related to finances and compensation.

Our vision for the Department of Anesthesiology is to be financially stable, profitable, and to provide competitive compensation for faculty, residents, and advanced practice providers in order to attract and retain top-quality employees and trainees.


  • Institute staffing and financial models to improve the financial stability of the Department.
  • Maximize revenue from clinical operations.
  • Create staffing and compensation models that allow for schedule flexibility, maximal productivity, and financial profitability.
  • Increase the fairness, transparency, and competitiveness of faculty and advanced practice provider salaries.
  • Keep faculty informed on issues related to departmental finances.


Leadership Team
Carlos-Artime Carlos A. Artime, MD Daniel-Contreras Daniel A. Contreras, MD
Dr. Rhashedah Ekeoduru Rhashedah A. Ekeoduru, MD Edward Fink Ed Fink
Liang Yafen Liang, MD Omonele Nwokolo, MD Omonele O. Nwokolo, MD
Dr. Olga Pawelek Olga Pawelek, MD