Previous Years Members Listings

FY 2024 Faculty Senate

2024 Senate Chair: Summer Ott, PsyD, Orthopedic Surgery

2024 Senate Secretary: Kathryn A. Leal, MS, CGC, Pediatrics

Last Name First Name Degree(s) Department Term
Abraham Gency MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Akhbardeh Aliriza PhD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2023-2026
Akimzhanov Askar PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2023-2026
Amro Farah MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2023-2026
Amsbaugh Mark MD Neurosurgery 2023-2026
An Daniel DO Anesthesiology 2023-2024
Annavajjhala Vidhya MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Aquino Pedro J. MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Aran Shima MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2023-2026
Ashtari Elaheh PsyD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Ayoub Hajar Ibrahim MD Surgery 2021-2024
Babatope Taiwo MD, MPH, MBA Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2023-2026
Baker Matthew PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2023-2026
Beaudoin Ebony MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Bergh Eric MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2023-2026
Bhardwaj Anju MD, FACC, FHFSA ACTAT 2022-2024
Bhattacharjee Meenakshi MBBS, MD, FRCPath, FCAP Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2021-2024
Bhojani Rehal MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Bilicer-Denktas Gurur MD, FACC, FASE ACTAT-CHI 2023-2026
Bista Bibek MBBS, MPH Pediatrics 2023-2026
Boyars Michael MD Emergency Medicine 2021-2024
Brollier Lauren MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Burrows Christina PhD Neurology 2022-2025
Buryanek Jamie MD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2023-2026
Campbell Amber MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Chandra Shivika MD Neurology 2022-2025
Chauhan Anjali MSc, Phd Neurology 2023-2026
Chen Jared MD Neurosurgery 2022-2025
Clark Neale MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Cotes Claudia MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2024-2024
Dafny Nachum MD Neurobiology & Anatomy 2021-2024
Daram Shiva MD, MBA Otorhinolaryngology 2023-2025
DeMaster Dana PhD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Doherty Jr. David B. MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Duran Cihan MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2023-2026
Dziadek Olivia MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2023-2026
Eckel-Mahan Kristin PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2023-2026
Elliott Ekatarina DO Surgery 2023-2026
Esquenazi Yoshua MD Neurosurgery 2023-2025
Ferguson Brandy MD, MS Emergency Medicine 2021-2024
Fernandez-Wische Luis MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Fox Erin PhD Surgery 2022-2025
Fries Gabriel PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2023-2026
Ganesh Bhanu Priya PhD Neurology 2023-2026
Ge Michelle MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Ghergherichi Layla MD Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2022-2025
Goldstein Shira MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Gore Meghana MD Emergency Medicine 2023-2026
Gray John MD Anesthesiology 2023-2026
Greenfield Susan DO Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2022-2025
Gregory Bonnie MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2025
Guerra Rosa MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Leal Kathryn MS, CGC Pediatrics 2021-2024
Gupta Rajesh MD Neurology 2023-2026
Gurha Priyatansh PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Gutierrez Julie MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Guzman-Reyes Sara MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Hamilton Hunter MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Hanna Mina MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2021-2024
Hebert Sean MD Surgery 2023-2025
Hergenroeder Georgene W. PhD Neurosurgery 2021-2024
Hernandez-Tejada Melba PhD, DHA Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Hetz Robert A. MD, FACS Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 2021-2024
Holcombe Sara DO Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Hsu Jean DO, MS, RD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Huang Richard MD, PhD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2021-2024
Hunter David MD Neurology 2023-2026
Jefferies Hayden DO Anesthesiology 2023-2026
Joseph Prathap MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2023-2026
Kapoor Ashish PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2021-2024
Khan-Makoid Sophia MD Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 2022-2025
Kim David H. PhD Surgery 2022-2025
Kim Hyun-Eui PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2021-2024
Kim Stella K. PhD Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2022-2025
Kondapalli Swathi MD Neurosurgery 2022-2025
LaPar Damien MD ACTAT 2021-2024
Larimore Katheryn MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Lavagnino Luca MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2023-2026
Lee Jayhun PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2025
Lin Jia MD, MPH Neurology 2023-2025
Liu Yin PhD Neurobiology & Anatomy 2022-2025
Li-Yung Hing Andrew MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2024
Mahmood Naveen MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Mallula Kiran MD, MS ACTAT-CHI 2023-2026
Mao PhD Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2021-2024
McAlister Wade MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2023-2024
McBeth Katrina MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Mehanna Raja MD Neurology 2023-2024
Menon Neethu MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Meyer David MD, MS, FACS Surgery 2023-2026
Miller Brandon MD, PhD, FAANS Pediatric Surgery 2023-2025
Mitra Shrabanee MBBS, MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Moore Travis I. PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2021-2024
Morales Rodrigo PhD Neurology 2021-2024
Nair Supriya MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Narkar Vihang PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Nawaratne Upulie MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Nguyen Ha Thanh MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2021-2024
Norrell Stacy MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Northrup Thomas MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Ogunwale Abayomi MBBS/MD, MPH Family & Community Medicine 2023-2026
Oh Yoonkyung PhD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Orlando Barbara MD, PhD, FASA Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Orue-Quintana Valeria MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Ott Summer PsyD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Pacheco Susan MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Pancholy Apurva MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Parchem Jacqueline MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2023-2026
Patel Vishal M MD Emergency Medicine 2023-2026
Patniyot Nicholas MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2023-2026
Perez Jose Christian PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2025
Putkey John PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2022-2025
Racusin Diana MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Rady Peter MD, PhD Dermatology 2022-2025
Ray Keisha PhD Dean's Area (McGovern Center, OEP, OPE) 2022-2025
Redell John PhD Neurobiology & Anatomy 2022-2025
Rubio Nunilo MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Ruggiero Jaclyn MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Russell Mary DO, MS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2022-2025
Hall David Ryan MD Surgery 2023-2026
Saluja Karan MBBS, MD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2022-2024
Sanhaji Latifa MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2023-2026
Schroder Steven MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Selek Salih MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Sen Sudipta MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Seshacehllam Vishwas DO Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Seymour John PhD Neurosurgery 2021-2024
Shah Avni MD Pediatrics 2023-2024
Shah Monisha MD Pediatrics 2023-2026
Shahani Lokesh MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Singh Harnoor MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2022-2025
Smith Dean MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2023-2025
Smith Hannah MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Snyder Michael MD, FACS Surgery 2022-2025
Srivaths Lakshmi MD Pediatrics 2023-2025
Suchting Robert PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Taub Ethan DO Surgery 2021-2024
Taylor Andrea PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Taylor Leslie PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2023-2025
Tran-Cao Carol MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2023-2026
Traver Jessica MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2025
Triolo Fabio DdR, MPHIL, PhD Pediatric Surgery 2021-2024
Tritter Andrew MD Otorhinolaryngology 2022-2025
Ukor Mary MBBS/MD Family & Community Medicine 2023-2025
Uppu Santhosh MD ACTAT-CHI 2022-2024
VACANT ACTAT 2023-2026
VACANT ACTAT 2023-2026
VACANT ACTAT 2022-2024
VACANT Dean's Area (McGovern Center, OEP, OPE) 2022-2025
Varacalli Kristin DO Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2022-2025
Venna Venugopal PhD Neurology 2023-2026
Wadhwa MD Surgery 2023-2025
Walia Shabana MD, PhD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Walker Jennifer N. PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2021-2024
Wang Shihuan Keisin MD Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 2023-2026
Washington Erikka MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Wenzel Pamela PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2023-2025
Wu-Feinberg Yuewei MD Surgery 2022-2025
Yadav Aravind MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Zaidi Hashim MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Zandiyeh Payam PhD Orthopaedic Surgery 2023-2026
Zhang Ningyan PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Zhang Yu Helen PhD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2023-2026
Zhao Ruiying MD, PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2022-2025
Atai Faith MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Bui Linh MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Cash Brooks MD, AGAF, FACG, FACP, FASGE Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Chiadika Olasimbo M. MD Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Guttenberg Katie MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Huang Shaoling MD, PhD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Hwang Mark MD, MS Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Khair Tarif MD, FACP, FACC Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Maithel Neha MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Pang Linda MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Rashtak Shahrooz MD Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Reveille John MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Sargsyan Lilit MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Sendos Lavanya MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Cillo Marc MD Internal Medicine 2023-2026
Wu Minghua MD, PhD Internal Medicine 2023-2026
VACANT Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Naik Sapna MD Internal Medicine 2023-2026
Valdez Victoriano MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Bachmann Abbey PhD, MEd Educational Programs 2023-2026

FY 2023 Faculty Senate

2023 Senate Chair: Georgene W. Hergenroeder, Ph.D., Neurosurgery
2023 Senate Secretary: Olasimbo M. Chiadika, M.D., Internal Medicine

Last Name First Name Degree(s) Department Term
Abraham Gency MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Abreu Juan MD Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 2020-2023
Akimzhanov Askar PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2020-2023
Amin Amee MD Emergency Medicine (Hosp) 2020-2023
Amsbaugh Mark MD Neurosurgery 2020-2023
Annavajjhala Vidhya MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Aquino Pedro J. MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Aran Shima MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2022-2023
Arduino Roberto MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Ashtari Elaheh PsyD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Atai Faith MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Ayoub Hajar Ibrahim MD Surgery 2021-2024
Baker Matthew PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2021-2023
Bakunas Carrie MD Emergency Medicine (EM-Adult) 2021-2023
Basra Sukhdeep MD ACTAT 2022-2023
Bawa Pritish MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2021-2024
Beaudoin Ebony MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Bhardwaj Anju MD, FACC, FHFSA ACTAT 2022-2024
Bhattacharjee Meenakshi MBBS, MD, FRCPath, FCAP Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2021-2024
Bhojani Rehal MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Bir Kawal MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2023
Boukas Konstantinos MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Boyars Michael MD Emergency Medicine (Hosp) 2021-2024
Brollier Lauren MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Bui Linh MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Burrows Christina PhD Neurology 2022-2025
Buryanek Jamie MD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2020-2023
Camarillo Randal M. MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2020-2023
Campbell Amber MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Cash Brooks MD, AGAF, FACG, FACP, FASGE Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Cen Putao MD Internal Medicine 2022-2023
Chandra Shivika MD Neurology 2022-2025
Chavez Violeta PhD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2020-2023
Chen Jared MD Neurosurgery 2022-2025
Chiadika Olasimbo M. MD Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Chua Steven MD, PhD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2021-2023
Clark Neale MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Dafny Nachum MD Neurobiology & Anatomy 2021-2024
DeMaster Dana PhD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Dinh Kha MD Internal Medicine 2021-2023
Doherty Jr David B. MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Duncan Casey MD Surgery 2022-2025
Dziadek Olivia MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2021-2023
Eckel-Mahan Kristin PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2021-2023
Elshatanoufy Solafa PharmD, MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2021-2023
Ferguson Brandy MD, MS Emergency Medicine(EM-Adult) 2021-2024
Fernandez-Wische Luis MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Fox Erin PhD Surgery 2022-2025
Friel Lara A PhD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2020-2023
Fung Christopher MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Ganesh Priya PhD Neurology 2022-2023
Garcia-Sayan Enrique MD Internal Medicine 2020-2023
Ge Michelle MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Ghergherichi Layla MD Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2022-2025
Goldstein Shira MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Greenfield Susan DO Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2022-2025
Gregory Bonnie MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2025
Guerra Rosa MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Gunther Kathryn MS, CGC Pediatrics 2021-2024
Gupta Rajesh MD Neurology 2020-2023
Gurha Priyatansh PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Gutierrez Julie MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Guttenberg Katie MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Guzman-Reyes Sara MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Hanna Mina MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2021-2024
Helminiak Amanda MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2020-2023
Hematpour Khashayar MD ACTAT 2020-2023
Hergenroeder Georgene W. PhD Neurosurgery 2021-2024
Hernandez-Tejada Melba PhD, DHA Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Hetz Robert A. MD, FACS Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 2021-2024
Holcombe Sara DO Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Hsu Jean DO, MS, RD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Huang Richard MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2021-2024
Huang Shaoling MD, PhD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Hwang Mark MD, MS Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Joseph Prathap MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2021-2023
Kala Jaya MD Internal Medicine 2020-2023
Kapoor Ashish PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2021-2024
Khair Tarif MD, FACP, FACC Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Khan-Makoid Sophia MD Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery 2022-2025
Kim David H. MD Surgery 2022-2025
Kim Hyun-Eui PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2021-2024
Kim Stella H. PsyD Neurology 2022-2025
Kim Stella K. MD Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2022-2025
Koepke Elena MD, MBA Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Kondapalli Swathi MD Neurosurgery 2022-2025
Kumar Sachin MD ACTAT 2022-2024
Lafferty-Prather Meaghan MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
LaPar Damien MD ACTAT 2021-2024
Larimore Katheryn MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Lee Jayhun PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2025
Lincoln John MD, PhD Neurology 2021-2024
Liu Yin PhD Neurobiology and Anatomy 2022-2025
Li-Yung Hing Andrew MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2024
Mahmood Naveen MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Maithel Neha MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Mao PhD Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2021-2024
Menon Neethu MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Meyer David MD, MS, FACS Surgery 2022-2023
Mitra Shrabanee MBBS, MD Family & Community Medicine 2021-2024
Moore Travis I. PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2021-2024
Morales Rodrigo PhD Neurology 2021-2024
Nair Supriya MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Narkar Vihang PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Nascimbene Angelo MD ACTAT 2022-2023
Nevarez Joseph MD Internal Medicine 2020-2023
Nguyen Ha Thanh MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2021-2024
Norrell Stacy MD Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Northrup Thomas MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Odisio Erika MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2020-2023
Oh Yoonkyung PhD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Orlando Barbara MD, PhD, FASA Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Orue-Quintana Valeria MD Family & Community Medicine 2022-2025
Ott Summer PsyD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Pacheco Susan MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Pancholy Apurva MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Pandey Rajesh MBBS, MD Pediatrics 2021-2024
Pang Linda MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Patarroyo Aponte Maria MD ACTAT 2020-2023
Patel Maulin MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Patki Aniruddha MD Otorhinolaryngology 2022-2025
Perez Jose Christian PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2025
Perez Norma DO Pediatrics 2020-2023
Putkey John PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2022-2025
Racusin Diana MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2022-2025
Radwan Zayde MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2025
Rady Peter MD, PhD Dermatology 2022-2025
Rashtak Shahrooz MD Internal Medicine 2021-2024
Ray Keisha PhD Dean's Area 2022-2025
Redell John PhD Neurobiology and Anatomy 2022-2025
Reichert Sara DO Emergency Medicine (Hosp) 2020-2023
Ren Xuefang Sophie MD, PhD Neurosurgery 2022-2025
Reveille John MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Rianon Nahid MBBS, DrPH Family & Community Medicine 2020-2023
Rodriguez-Quintana David MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Ruggiero Jaclyn MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Russell Mary DO, MS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2022-2025
Saluja Karan MBBS, MD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2022-2024
Sargsyan Lilit MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Saunders Tamara MD, FACS Surgery 2022-2025
Schroder Steven MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2021-2024
Selek Salih MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2021-2024
Sen Sudipta MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Sendos Lavanya MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Seshachellam Vishwas DO Anesthesiology 2022-2025
Seymour John PhD Neurosurgery 2021-2024
Shahani Lokesh MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Shellman Alison PhD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Singh Harnoor MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2022-2025
Smith Hannah MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Smith Mahalia MD Internal Medicine 2020-2023
Snyder Michael MD, FACS Surgery 2022-2025
Soto Torres Eleazar MD Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences 2021-2023
Suchting Robert PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Skef Susan MD Family and Community Medicine 2022-2025
Taub Ethan DO Surgery 2021-2024
Taylor Andrea PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2022-2025
Traver Jessica MD Orthopaedic Surgery 2022-2025
Triolo Fabio DdR, MPHIL, PhD Pediatric Surgery 2021-2024
Tritter Andrew MD Otorhinolaryngology 2022-2025
Uppu Santhosh MD ACTAT 2022-2024
Valdez Victoriano MD Internal Medicine 2022-2025
Van Arsdall Melissa R. MD Pediatrics 2020-2023
Varacalli Kristin DO Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2022-2025
Venna Venugopal PhD Neurology 2020-2023
Walia Shabana MD, MPH Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Walker Jennifer N. PhD Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2021-2024
Washington Erikka MD Anesthesiology 2021-2024
Wu-Feinberg Yuewei MD Surgery 2022-2025
Yadav Aravind MD Pediatrics 2022-2025
Zaidi Hashim MD Emergency Medicine 2022-2025
Zeni Cristian MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2020-2023
Zhang Ningyan PhD Institute of Molecular Medicine 2022-2025
Zhao Ruiying MD, PhD Integrative Biology and Pharmacology 2022-2025
Zvavanjanja Rodrick MD Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2020-2023